Sunday 23 August 2015



I think I just blew my non-existent budget on a whole load of Craftsy classes.I just sat down and could not stop,as soon as I watched a trailer(don't know what it's actually called) I was a goner.I bought  16 within a space of a few days.

So where do I start from? to watch I mean,that's my dilemma  now,

It's all so exciting I bought from my favourite caking people and discovered some I never even heard about.

I am sooo excited,imagine watching Nicholas Lodge,Alan Dunn,Faye Cahill and a whole host of talented others in the comfort of your living room,kitchen,study or wherever you watch it.

I have bought all of the above and more,I have to confess and I still have about 10 on my wish list.

I have to confess,I have not finished watching all,I have not even watched half.

The ones I have watched though I can tell you are value for money,

I bought Shawna Mcgeevy 's, her creativity is amazing and I am tingling in anticipation of watching it.

The only problem I have with Craftsy is that they go and release new and tempting ones,and jeopardise my wish list.

Another reason why I splurged is because to take a class with one of these talented people would cost me a pretty penny,and I can always watch again and I can use the repeat button,

What's not to like?

As I watch I will give my opinion.


I told you I bought some tools from America to be brought to the UK for me by my friend.
 Well I received them,and can't wait to use them.

Here they are

My lovely 10 inch cake scraper from Fatgirl Cakes and my 6 wheel pastry cutter.

And I finally bought my Rosalind Miller-Wedding  Cakes book and Peggy Porschen's Cakes in Bloom,

The books are really,really good.

Now I can return the library copy with me.

You can see them in the background while my newest tool from Craftovator is in the foreground -a quilting ruler, I saw  something similar -being used by Jessica Harris in a Craftsy class I bought and I just had to have it!!!!

Would love to hear your views and comments.

Have a good week ahead


Update -36 Craftsy classes and counting !!!

Update on update-I emailed Fatgirl Cakes and she replied -,lo and behold she told me its available at Claire's cakery,poor me.I googled and it didnt show you,so I assumed no one sold it here in the UK,

No harm done,I still have my scraper,if I need another one I know where to go.

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